Rope Controller

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The Rope Controller is the type of controller assigned to a dynamic rope geometry. The Rope Controller is built into the core engine, and it is part of the Physics Manager.


The following settings are available for Rope Controllers.



Deformable Body Flags

Ignore force fields

If checked, then force fields do not affect this rope geometry.

Time Settings

Warm start time interval (s)

The length of time over which the rope simulation is warmed up when a world is first loaded. This is not an actual length of time that you must wait, but it determines the number of internal simulation steps that are run as quickly as possible in order to give the rope time to reach a steady state.

Invisible time before sleeping (s)

The length of time that a rope geometry must not be rendered before the controller automatically goes to sleep in order to save processing time. When a rope controller automatically goes to sleep, it wakes up the next time the rope geometry is rendered, except in cases when the controller has explicitly been put to sleep by the Sleep Controller script method or by the Controller::Sleep() function.

Physical Properties

Particle mass (kg)

The mass of each simulated particle composing the rope. For a rope geometry, the number of simulated particles is (w + 1), where w is the number of subdivisions specified in the x direction.

Volume multiplier

The factor by which the volume represented by each particle is multiplied when calculating buoyant forces.

Gravity multiplier

The factor by which the force of gravity is multiplied for this rope geometry.

Fluid drag multiplier

The factor by which fluid drag forces are multiplied for this rope geometry.

Wind drag multiplier

The factor by which wind drag forces are multiplied for this rope geometry.

Internal resistance

The amount of internal resistance to motion for this rope geometry. This setting slows the velocities of the simulated particles.

Spring Settings

Stretch spring coefficient

The spring stiffness coefficient for “stretch” springs, which connect adjacent particles.

Bend spring coefficient

The spring stiffness coefficient for “bend” springs, which connect particles that are two positions apart.

Damper Settings

Stretch damper coefficient

The spring damping coefficient for “stretch” springs, which connect adjacent particles.

Bend damper coefficient

The spring damping coefficient for “bend” springs, which connect particles that are two positions apart.

Attachment Settings

Attach left endpoint

If checked, then the left endpoint of the rope is attached to its initial position and cannot move unless it is connected to a moving object.

Attach right endpoint

If checked, then the right endpoint of the rope is attached to its initial position and cannot move unless it is connected to a moving object.

Left attachment connector key

The connector key through which the left endpoint of the rope is connected to a moving object. If the left endpoint is connected to a rigid body, then the connector must connect to a direct subnode of the node to which the rigid body controller is assigned.

Right attachment connector key

The connector key through which the right endpoint of the rope is connected to a moving object. If the right endpoint is connected to a rigid body, then the connector must connect to a direct subnode of the node to which the rigid body controller is assigned.

Script Functions

The rope controller defines the following functions that can be called from a script using the Call Controller Function method.



Break Rope Attachment

Breaks the left and/or right endpoint attachments of a rope geometry.

  • The Break left attachment setting specifies whether the left endpoint attachment should be broken.
  • The Break right attachment setting specifies whether the right endpoint attachment should be broken.

See Also