C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation


Defined in:  TSMotor3D.h
Sets all eight components of a motor.

Motor3D& Set(float vx, float vy, float vz, float vw, float mx, float my, float mz, float mw);

Motor3D& Set(const Quaternion& rotor, const Quaternion& screw);

vx,vy,vz,vw The values of the e41, e42, e43, and antiscalar coordinates.
mx,my,mz,mw The values of the e23, e31, e12, and scalar coordinates.
rotor A quaternion whose entries are copied to the e41, e42, e43, and antiscalar coordinates.
screw A quaternion whose entries are copied to the e23, e31, e12, and scalar coordinates.
The Set function sets the eight coordinates of a motor. If the quaternions rotor and screw are specified, then their coordinates are assigned to the weight and bulk of the motor, respectively.

The return value is a reference to the motor object.