C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation


Defined in:  C4Messages.h
Sets flags indicating whether a message requires special handling.

void SetMessageFlags(uint32 flags);

flags The new flags for this message.
The SetMessageFlags function sets flags for a message that indicate special properties. The flags parameter may be zero or a combination (through logical OR) of the following constants.
kMessageUnreliable The message should be sent as an unreliable packet. Messages having this flag set are not guaranteed to reach their destinations, but they do arrive in order.
kMessageUnordered The message should be sent as an unordered packet. Messages having this flag set can arrive at their destinations out of order. The kMessageUnreliable flag must also be set.
kMessageCombineInhibit The message should not be combined with other messages into a single data packet. Messages having this flag set will always be transmitted as a distinct data packet.
kMessageDestroyer The message is a controller message, and it causes the controller's target node to be destroyed. This flag is only useful for messages sent with the MessageMgr::SendMessageJournal function, and it prevents the message from being deleted from the journal when the controller is destroyed.
When a new message is constructed, its flags are set to zero. Thus, all messages are sent reliably by default.
See Also
