C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation


Defined in:  C4Network.h
Retrieves the next available incoming data packet.
NOTE. This is a low-level function that is normally called exclusively by the Message Manager. Calling this function directly is not recommended if the Message Manager is being used.

NetworkResult ReceivePacket(NetworkAddress *from, uint32 *size, void *data);

from A pointer to a NetworkAddress structure that will be filled with the address of the machine from which the message originated.
size A pointer to an uint32 that will be filled with the size of the message.
data A pointer to a buffer that will receive the packet data. This buffer must be at least kMaxMessageSize bytes in length.
The ReceivePacket function retrieves the least recently received incoming data packet from any network address. The return value is one of the following network result codes.
kNetworkOkay A packet was received and has been copied into the buffer pointed to by the data parameter.
kNetworkNoPacket There is no incoming packet to be received.
The packet data is decrypted before being copied into the buffer pointed to by the data parameter. The size that is written to the variable pointed to by the size parameter is always at least one byte and at most kMaxMessageSize bytes.
See Also




