C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation


Defined in:  C4Physics.h
Sets the rigid body flags.

void SetRigidBodyFlags(uint32 flags);

flags The new rigid body flags. See below for possible values.
The SetRigidBodyFlags function sets the rigid body flags. The flags parameter can be a combination (through logical OR) of the following constants.
kRigidBodyKeepAwake The rigid body is never put to sleep. For performance reasons, this flag should be set only when absolutely necessary.
kRigidBodyPartialSleep When the rigid body is put to sleep for the physics simulation, it is not put to sleep as a controller in general.
kRigidBodyFixedOrientation The rigid body never rotates in the physics simulation, and thus always preserves its original orientation in space.
kRigidBodyDisabledContact New collision contacts made with the rigid body should be created in the disabled state. This is useful if a collision will always result in the destruction of the rigid body.
kRigidBodyLocalSimulation The rigid body is only simulated locally on each machine, and the server does not transmit information about the rigid body to the clients.
kRigidBodyForceFieldInhibit The rigid body is not affected by force fields. The global gravity force is still applied.
kRigidBodyImmovable The rigid body cannot be moved in any way. This flag also implies kRigidBodyFixedOrientation.
The initial value of the rigid body flags is 0.
See Also
