Edit Text Widget: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "The '''Edit Text Widget''' displays an editable text box that allows a single line or multiple lines of text entry. The widget color controls the color of the text. == Settings == The following settings are available specifically for Edit Text Widgets. {| {{Table}} {{Tablehead|Setting|Description}} |- {{HeadingSetting|'''Edit Text Settings'''}} |- {{Setting|'''Maximum length'''|Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the text box...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 12:35, 15 July 2023

The Edit Text Widget displays an editable text box that allows a single line or multiple lines of text entry.

The widget color controls the color of the text.


The following settings are available specifically for Edit Text Widgets.



Edit Text Settings

Maximum length

Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the text box.

Character filter

Specifies a filter that determines what types of characters can be entered into the text box:

  • The value None means that any characters can be entered.
  • The value Numbers means that only the digits 0 through 9 can be entered.
  • The value Signed numbers means that only the digits 0 through 9 and a minus sign can be entered.
  • The value Floating-point means that any floating-point number can be entered, including an exponent.
  • The value Alphanumeric means that only uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and the digits 0 through 9 can be entered.
  • The value Identifier means that only uppercase letters, lowercase letters, the digits 0 through 9, and the underscore character can be entered.

Allow text to overflow

Specifies whether the width of the text can exceed the width of the text box (with scrolling).

Use multiple lines

Specifies whether the text box renders multiple lines or just a single line of text.

Text is read-only

Specifies that the user cannot change the text in the text box, but can still select and copy parts of it.

Select all when changed

Causes the text box to automatically select all when its text is changed through a method other than user input.

Select all on double-click

Causes a double-click in the text box to select all, whereas a double-click would normally select only the word that was clicked on.

Render plain (text only)

Causes the border, background, and keyboard focus glow to not be rendered.

Render focus plain (no glow)

Causes the keyboard focus glow to not be rendered (but the border and background are still shown).

Background color

Specifies the color of the text box's background.

Border color

Specifies the color of the text box's border.

Highlight color

If checked, specifies the highlight color for selected text, overriding the default highlight color given by the $hiliteColor system variable.

Focus glow color

If checked, specifies the color of the glow rendered when the editable text box has the keyboard focus, overriding the default glow color given by the $hiliteColor system variable multiplied by 5/8.

Insertion caret color

Specifies the color of the insertion caret.

See Also