C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

struct TextureHeader

Defined in:  C4Textures.h
The TextureHeader structure contains information about a texture map.

struct TextureHeader

Data Members
TextureType         textureType; The texture type (2D, 3D, cube, rectangle, or 2D array).
uint32              textureFlags; The texture image flags.
TextureSemantic     colorSemantic; The semantic usage for the color channels.
TextureSemantic     alphaSemantic; The semantic usage for the alpha channel.
TextureFormat       textureFormat; The format of the texture image.
int32               textureWidth; The width of the texture map.
int32               textureHeight; The height of the texture map.
int32               textureDepth; The depth of the texture map (value is 1 for a 2D texture).
TextureWrap         wrapMode[3]; The wrap mode for each coordinate.
int32               mipmapCount; The number of mipmap levels.
int32               mipmapDataOffset; The offset to the mipmap data array, in bytes relative to the beginning of the TextureHeader structure. This should be 0 for textures created in memory.
uint32              auxiliaryDataSize; The size of the auxiliary data, in bytes. This should be 0 for textures created in memory.
int32               auxiliaryDataOffset; The offset to the auxiliary data, in bytes relative to the beginning of the TextureHeader structure. This should be 0 for textures created in memory.
The TextureHeader structure contains information about a texture map and is useful when creating a texture image in memory. A texture header can be filled in and passed to the Texture::GetTexture function to create a new texture object.

The textureType member can be one of the following constants.
kTextureType2D 2D texture map.
kTextureType3D 3D texture map.
kTextureTypeCube Cube texture map.
kTextureTypeRectangle Rectangle texture map.
kTextureTypeArray2D Array 2D texture map.
The textureFlags member can be a combination (through logical OR) of the following constants.
kTextureFilterInhibit Do not filter the texture (bilinear, trilinear, or anisotropic).
kTextureAnisotropicFilterInhibit Do not apply anisotropic filtering to the texture (but still allow ordinary bilinear or trilinear filtering).
kTextureForceHighQuality Always use the highest resolution image available, even if a lower quality level is selected in the Graphics Manager.
The colorSemantic and alphaSemantic members denote the type of information that is stored in the color channels and the alpha channel of the texture image, respectively. They can each be one of the following constants.
kTextureSemanticNone No meaning.
kTextureSemanticData Generic data.
kTextureSemanticDiffuse Diffuse color map.
kTextureSemanticSpecular Specular color map.
kTextureSemanticEmission Emission color map.
kTextureSemanticOpacity Refractive opacity map.
kTextureSemanticEnvironment Environment map.
kTextureSemanticLight Light projection.
kTextureSemanticNormal Normal map.
kTextureSemanticParallax Parallax data.
kTextureSemanticHorizon Horizon map.
kTextureSemanticTransparency Transparency.
kTextureSemanticOcclusion Ambient occlusion.
kTextureSemanticGlow Glow intensity.
The textureFormat member can be one of the following constants.
kTextureFormatLinearRGBA 4x8-bit RGBA in linear space with alpha channel.
kTextureFormatLinearRGBX 4x8-bit RGB in linear space (alpha unused).
kTextureFormatGammaRGBA 4x8-bit RGBA in sRGB space with alpha channel.
kTextureFormatGammaRGBX 4x8-bit RGB in sRGB space (alpha unused).
kTextureFormatLinearRG 2x8-bit RG in linear space.
kTextureFormatLinearR 1x8-bit R in linear space.
kTextureFormatSignedRGBA 4x8-bit signed normalized RGBA.
kTextureFormatSignedRG 2x8-bit signed normalized RG.
kTextureFormatSignedR 1x8-bit signed normalized R.
kTextureFormatCompLinearRGBA 4x8-bit RGBA in linear space with alpha channel, block compressed.
kTextureFormatCompLinearRGBX 4x8-bit RGB in linear space (alpha unused), block compressed.
kTextureFormatCompGammaRGBA 4x8-bit RGBA in sRGB space with alpha channel, block compressed.
kTextureFormatCompGammaRGBX 4x8-bit RGB in sRGB space (alpha unused), block compressed.
kTextureFormatCompLinearRG 2x8-bit RG in linear space, block compressed.
kTextureFormatCompLinearR 1x8-bit R in linear space, block compressed.
kTextureFormatCompSignedRG 2x8-bit signed normalized RG, block compressed.
kTextureFormatCompSignedR 1x8-bit signed normalized R, block compressed.
kTextureFormatHalfRGBA 4x16-bit float RGBA.
kTextureFormatHalfRG 2x16-bit float RG.
kTextureFormatHalfR 1x16-bit float R.
kTextureFormatFloatRGBA 4x32-bit float RGBA.
kTextureFormatUint16RGBA 4x16-bit unsigned int RGBA.
kTextureFormatUint16RG 2x16-bit unsigned int RG.
kTextureFormatUint16R 1x16-bit unsigned int R.
kTextureFormatSharedExpRGB 3x9-bit RGB with 5-bit shared exponent.
kTextureFormatRGBA4444 4x4-bit RGBA in linear space with alpha channel.
kTextureFormatLuminanceAlpha 2x8-bit luminance-alpha.
kTextureFormatLuminance 8-bit luminance.
kTextureFormatIntensity 8-bit intensity.
The wrapMode array contains the wrap mode for each of the three texture mapping axes. They can each be one of the following constants unless textureType is kTextureTypeRectangle, in which case the wrap modes must all be kTextureWrapClamp.
kTextureWrapRepeat Repeat.
kTextureWrapClamp Clamp to edge.
kTextureWrapBorder Clamp to border.
kTextureWrapMirrorRepeat Mirror and repeat.
kTextureWrapMirrorClamp Mirror once and clamp to edge.
See Also
