C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class InputMgr

Defined in:  C4Input.h
The Input Manager class.

class InputMgr : public Manager<InputMgr>

Member Functions
InputMgr::GetFirstInputDevice Returns the first input device in the Input Manager's device list.
InputMgr::FindInputDevice Returns the input device having a given name or type.
InputMgr::AddAction Registers an action object with the Input Manager.
InputMgr::RemoveAction Unregisters an action object with the Input Manager.
InputMgr::SetInputMode Sets the current mode in which the Input Manager processes input events.
InputMgr::GetMouseSensitivity Returns the global mouse sensitivity.
InputMgr::SetMouseSensitivity Sets the global mouse sensitivity.
InputMgr::GetMouseFlags Returns the mouse input flags.
InputMgr::SetMouseFlags Sets the mouse input flags.
InputMgr::GetMouseDeltaX Returns the mouse movement delta on the x axis.
InputMgr::GetMouseDeltaY Returns the mouse movement delta on the y axis.
InputMgr::GetConsoleCallback Returns the callback function that is invoked when the console key is pressed.
InputMgr::GetConsoleCookie Returns the cookie passed to the console callback function.
InputMgr::SetConsoleCallback Sets the callback function that is invoked when the console key is pressed.
InputMgr::GetEscapeCallback Returns the callback function that is invoked when the escape key is pressed.
InputMgr::GetEscapeCookie Returns the cookie passed to the escape callback function.
InputMgr::SetEscapeCallback Sets the callback function that is invoked when the escape key is pressed.
The InputMgr class encapsulates the input device functionality of the engine. The single instance of the Input Manager is constructed during an application's initialization and destroyed at termination.

The Input Manager's member functions are accessed through the global pointer TheInputMgr.
See Also


