C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class MovieWidget

Defined in:  C4Movies.h
The MovieWidget class represents an interface widget that plays a movie.

class MovieWidget final : public QuadWidget

Member Functions
MovieWidget::GetMovieName Returns the name of the movie resource.
MovieWidget::SetMovieName Sets the name of the movie resource.
MovieWidget::GetMovieBlendState Returns the blend state for a movie.
MovieWidget::SetMovieBlendState Sets the blend state for a movie.
MovieWidget::GetSourceConnectorKey Returns the connector key that identifies the source node for audio output.
MovieWidget::SetSourceConnectorKey Sets the connector key that identifies the source node for audio output.
MovieWidget::GetMovieObject Returns the movie object associated with a movie widget.
MovieWidget::PlayMovie Plays the movie associated with a movie widget.
MovieWidget::StopMovie Stops the movie associated with a movie widget.

MovieWidget(const Vector2D& size, const char *name);

size The size of the quad in which the movie is rendered, in pixels.
name The name of the movie resource that is played by the movie widget.
The MovieWidget class displays a movie.
Base Classes
QuadWidget A MovieWidget is a specialized QuadWidget.