C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class PointWaveGenerator

Defined in:  C4Water.h
The PointWaveGenerator class represents a wave generator that generates a circular wave about a single point.

class PointWaveGenerator final : public WaveGenerator

Member Functions
PointWaveGenerator::GetGeneratorPosition Returns the position of a point wave generator.
PointWaveGenerator::SetGeneratorPosition Sets the position of a point wave generator.
PointWaveGenerator::GetGeneratorRadius Returns the radius of a point wave generator.
PointWaveGenerator::SetGeneratorRadius Sets the radius of a point wave generator.

PointWaveGenerator(const Point2D& position, float radius, float delta, int32 time);

position The block-relative position of the center of the waves.
radius The radius of the area affected by the wave generator.
delta The difference in elevation applied to the water surface during each time step. This can be positive or negative.
time The number of time steps for which the wave generator runs. If this is zero, then the wave generator never stops.
The PointWaveGenerator class generates a circular wave about a single point in a water block.
Base Classes
WaveGenerator A PointWaveGenerator is a specific type of wave generator.
See Also

