C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation


Defined in:  C4Engine.h
Configures the engine display window.

EngineResult ConfigureEngineWindow(uint32 flags, const Integer2D& resolution);

flags The display flags. See below for possible values.
resolution The resolution of the primary rendering buffer, in pixels.
The ConfigureEngineWindow function establishes the resolution of the primary rendering buffers and state such as whether the engine window is shown full-screen.

The flags parameter controls various options for the display window. It can be a combination (through logical OR) of the following constants.
kDisplayFullscreen The engine uses a full-screen borderless window. If not set, then the engine uses a window with a border and title bar.
kDisplayRefreshSync Refresh sync is turned on, meaning that frame buffer display is delayed until the monitor finishes its current refresh cycle to prevent tearing.
kDisplaySyncTear Tearing is enabled if the frame rate is not high enough to sync to the refresh rate. (Ignored if kDisplayRefreshSync is not set.)

The resolution parameter defines the primary resolution, which is always clamped to the native resolution of the screen.

If this function succeeds, the return value is kEngineOkay. Otherwise, the return value is a Graphics Manager result code indicating that a graphics context could not be created at the new resolution.
See Also

