C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation


Defined in:  C4Animation.h
Sets the root of the subtree within the model that is affected by an animator.

void SetTargetNode(Node *node);

node The new target node. This must be an animated node in the subtree rooted at the model node to which the animator applies.
The SetTargetMode function changes the target node of an animator to the node specified by the node parameter. An animator affects only the target node within a model and its successor nodes in the tree hierarchy. The target node is often the same as the model node itself, meaning that the animator applies to the entire model, but a different target node can be specified when the animator is constructed or later through the SetTargetNode function to cause the animator to be applied only to part of the whole model.

If the target node is changed after the Model::SetRootAnimator function is called to attach the animator tree to a model, then the Animator::PreprocessAnimator function must be called for the animator before the model is animated again.
See Also

