C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation


Defined in:  C4Node.h
Returns the perspective exclusion mask.

uint32 GetPerspectiveExclusionMask(voidconst;

The GetPerspectiveExclusionMask function returns the perspective exclusion mask that determines from what camera perspectives the node is enabled. The mask can be a combination (through logical OR) of the following constants.
kPerspectivePrimary The perspective of the primary camera used to render the world.
kPerspectiveReflection The perspective of a camera used to render into the reflection buffer.
kPerspectiveRefraction The perspective of a camera used to render into the refraction buffer.
kPerspectiveIlluminanceSpace The perspective of a camera used to generate an illuminance space texture map.
kPerspectiveDirectMask A mask that includes all direct perspectives (primary camera, reflection buffer, and refraction buffer). A node having these bits set will never be rendered from the direct perspective.
kPerspectiveCameraWidgetMask A mask that includes all camera widget perspectives. A node having these bits set will never be rendered from the camera widget perspective.
kPerspectiveDirectShadowMask A mask that includes all direct shadow perspectives. A node having these bits set will never cast a shadow from the direct perspective.
kPerspectiveCameraWidgetShadowMask A mask that includes all camera widget shadow perspectives. A node having these bits set will never cast a shadow from the camera widget perspective.
kPerspectivePrimaryMask A mask that includes all primary camera perspectives (direct, remote portal, and camera widget). A node having these bits set will never be rendered through the primary camera.
kPerspectiveReflectionMask A mask that includes all reflection buffer perspectives. A node having these bits set will never be rendered in the reflection buffer.
kPerspectiveRefractionMask A mask that includes all refraction buffer perspectives. A node having these bits set will never be rendered in the refraction buffer.
kPerspectivePrimaryShadowMask A mask that includes all primary camera shadow perspectives (direct, remote portal, and camera widget). A node having these bits set will never cast a shadow through the primary camera.
kPerspectiveReflectionShadowMask A mask that includes all reflection buffer shadow perspectives. A node having these bits set will never cast a shadow in the reflection buffer.
kPerspectiveRefractionShadowMask A mask that includes all refraction buffer shadow perspectives. A node having these bits set will never cast a shadow in the refraction buffer.
See the Node::SetPerspectiveExclusionMask function for more information.
See Also
