C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation


Defined in:  C4Sources.h
Returns the source flags.

uint32 GetSourceFlags(voidconst;

The GetSourceFlags function returns the source flags, which can be a combination (through logical OR) of the following constants.
kSourceRandom The source starts playing at a random position when it becomes audible. (Ignored if the kSourceStream flag is set or if the kSourceLoop flag is not set.)
kSourceStream The source is streamed from disk.
kSourceInitialPlay The source is initially playing.
kSourceLoop The source is looping.
kSourceDopplerShift The Doppler effect is applied to the source.
kSourceDistanceDelay Distance delay is applied to the source.
kSourceReverb Reflections and reverberation are generated by the source.
kSourceObstruction The source can be obstructed by geometry.
The default flags value for a new source object is kSourceInitialPlay.
See Also
