Release Notes for Build 143

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Release date: October 19, 2007

  • Reference markers can now be expanded and collapsed dynamically from code using the ReferenceMarker::Expand() and ReferenceMarker::Collapse() functions.
  • The TextElement interface element class has been rewritten and now combines all of the functionality that was previously spread over four different classes. Several new features have also been added that can be used almost everywhere that text is rendered in the engine, including panel effects. For more information, see the documentation for the TextElement class.
  • The EditableTextElement class has been expanded to allow multi-line text boxes. This is enabled by setting the kEditableTextMultiline flag with the EditableTextElement::SetEditableTextFlags() function. Multi-line text boxes support all the bells and whistles, including full selection capabilities, copy and paste, mouse wheeling, word wrap, double-click word selection, and smart cursoring.
  • Made some general improvements to the Panel Editor. One of these is that the text entry box for text items is now a multi-line box.
  • The Set Panel Item Text script function has been expanded so that you can choose to append or prepend text in addition to replacing it altogether. Also added a way to limit the length of the resulting text. An example that uses this new functionality has been added to the Samples/Lasers world.
  • Added a truncated cone primitive geometry type. This produces a cleaner mesh than intersecting a cone with a box in many cases.
  • Some improvements have been made to the CSG code in the World Editor. They can now handle some more topologically complex cases.
  • Exposed the GetMillisecondCount() function in the Time Manager. This will return a real-time absolute millisecond count, but with no zero reference. This function should only be used if you know what you're doing. If you have to ask whether it's the right function, then you shouldn't use it.