C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class PopupMenuWidget

Defined in:  C4Menus.h
The PopupMenuWidget class represents an interface widget that displays a popup menu.

class PopupMenuWidget final : public TextWidget


PopupMenuWidget(const Vector2D& size, const char *font = "font/Regular", float em = kDefaultFontSize);

size The size of the text box, in pixels.
font The name of the font in which the text is displayed.
em The em size of the font, in pixels.
The PopupMenuWidget class displays a popup menu.

The default widget color controls the color of the text through the TextWidget base class. The kWidgetColorButton color type is also supported by the popup menu widget, and it controls the color of the button.
Base Classes
TextWidget The text displayed in the popup menu is based on the TextWidget class.
Wiki Articles

Popup Menu Widget