C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

Interface Manager

Album Encapsulates an icon album.
AnimateSprocket Causes an image widget's texture coordinates to animate through a grid.
AutoReleaseAlbum A helper class that wraps a pointer to a Album object.
AutoReleaseFont A helper class that wraps a pointer to a Font object.
Board The base class for simple display interfaces.
BooleanSetting A boolean setting represented by a check box.
CheckChromaticitySetting A chromaticity setting represented by a chromaticity box with a check box for enable/disable.
CheckColorSetting A color setting represented by a color box with a check box for enable/disable.
CheckWidget The interface widget that displays a check box.
ChromaticitySetting A chromaticity setting represented by a chromaticity box.
ChromaticityWidget The interface widget that displays a chromaticity picking box.
CircleWidget The interface widget that displays a circle or ellipse.
ColorPicker Encapsulates a color picker box.
ColorSetting A color setting represented by a color box.
ColorWidget The interface widget that displays a color picking box.
Configurable The base class for user-configurable objects.
ConfigurationWidget The interface widget that displays a configuration table.
Cursor Encapsulates a cursor rendered in a user interface.
Dialog Encapsulates a basic dialog box.
EditTextWidget The interface widget that displays an editable text box.
FadeSprocket Causes one of a widget's colors to fade to a specific value.
FilePicker Encapsulates a file picker box.
FillableWidget The base class for widgets that can render a fill.
FloatSetting A floating-point setting represented by a slider.
Font Encapsulates a text font.
FrustumViewportWidget The interface widget that displays a frustum 3D viewport.
HeadingSetting A setting that simply displays a heading and has no value.
HyperlinkWidget The interface widget that displays a hyperlink.
IconButtonWidget The interface widget that displays a push button containing an icon.
ImageButtonWidget The interface widget that displays a push button containing an image.
ImageWidget The interface widget that displays a texture image.
InfoSetting A setting that displays information that cannot be edited.
IntegerSetting An integer setting represented by a slider.
InterfaceMgr The Interface Manager class.
LineWidget The interface widget that displays a straight line.
ListWidget The interface widget that displays a list box.
Menu The root widget for menus.
MenuBarWidget The interface widget that displays a menu bar.
MenuSetting A multi-valued setting represented by a popup menu.
MultiResourceSetting A setting showing a list of resource names in a text box with a browse button.
MultipaneWidget The interface widget that displays a multipane box.
OrthoViewportWidget The interface widget that displays an orthographic 3D viewport.
Page The base class for a tool page.
PaintWidget The interface widget that displays a painting canvas.
Panel The base class for the interfaces shown in panel effects.
PasswordWidget The interface widget that displays an editable text box for passwords.
PopupMenuWidget The interface widget that displays a popup menu.
PowerTwoSetting A power-of-two setting represented by a slider.
ProgressWidget The interface widget that displays a progress bar.
PulsateSprocket Causes one of a widget's colors to pulsate.
PushButtonWidget The interface widget that displays a push button containing text.
QuadWidget The interface widget that displays a filled quad.
RadioWidget The interface widget that displays a radio button.
RandomizeSprocket Causes a widget's texture coordinates to change randomly.
RectangleWidget The interface widget that displays a rectangle.
RenderableWidget The base class for all renderable widgets.
ResourceSetting A resource name setting represented by a text box and a browse button.
RootWidget Represents the root in a tree of widgets.
RotateSprocket Causes a widget's texture coordinates to rotate.
ScaleSprocket Causes a widget to change scale.
ScrollSprocket Causes a widget's texture coordinates to scroll.
ScrollWidget The interface widget that displays a scroll bar.
Setting The base class for all user-configurable settings.
SliderWidget The interface widget that displays a slider.
SlugContainer Container for resources used by Slug-based graphics.
Sprocket Used to modify a widget in some way over time.
SprocketReg Represents a custom sprocket type.
SprocketRegistration Manages internal registration information for a custom sprocket type.
StrokableWidget The base class for widgets that can render a stroke.
TableWidget The interface widget that displays a table.
TextButtonWidget The interface widget that displays an interactive text string.
TextSetting A text setting represented by an editable text box.
TextWidget The interface widget that displays a text string.
TickerSprocket Causes a text widget's contents to scroll horizontally.
TreeItemWidget The interface widget that encapsulates items in a tree list.
TreeWidget The interface widget that displays a tree list.
ViewportWidget The base class for interface widgets that display 3D viewports.
Widget Represents a widget in a user interface.
WidgetReg Represents a custom widget type.
WidgetRegistration Manages internal registration information for a custom widget type.
Window The base class for all windows.
WindowEventHandler Encapsulates a window event handler function.
WorldViewportWidget The interface widget that renders a world in a 3D viewport.
Data Structures
PanelMouseEventData Contains information about a mouse event in a panel.
WidgetEventData Contains information about a widget event.
WindowEventData Contains information about a window event.
Class Hierarchies
Setting Hierarchy

Sprocket Hierarchy

Widget Hierarchy