C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class ImageExportPlugin

Defined in:  C4Plugins.h
The ImageExportPlugin class represents a generic image export plugin.

class ImageExportPlugin : public ImagePlugin, public ListElement<ImageExportPlugin>

Member Functions
ImageExportPlugin::ExportImageFile Exports an image to a file.


The ImageExportPlugin class is the base class for all image export plugins. An image export plugin contains the functionality needed to write a 2D pixel image to a file in a specific format.

An image export plugin should be registered with the Plugin Manager by calling the PluginMgr::RegisterImageExportPlugin function after the plugin has been constructed.

An implementation of an ImageExportPlugin subclass must override all of its pure virtual member functions and the pure virtual member functions of the ImagePlugin class.
Base Classes
ImagePlugin An ImageExportPlugin is a specific type of image plugin.
ListElement<ImageExportPlugin> All registered image export plugins are kept in a list.
See Also

