C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation


Defined in:  C4Messages.h
Attempts to initiate a file transfer from a player.

void RequestFile(const char *name);

name A pointer to the name of the file to be transferred.
A call to RequestFile causes a message to be sent to a player to request the file whose name is given by the name parameter. The RequestFile function returns immediately and the Message Manager listens for a response to the request.

If the request is accepted, the file transfer is initiated and the player will call its completion callback function when the transfer is complete. If the request is denied for some reason (for instance, the file does not exist), then an error message is registered and the player's completion callback function is invoked.

The Completable base class of the Player class is used to signal the completion of a file transfer or that an error arose during a file transfer. The completion callback function has the prototype

typedef void CompletionCallback(Player *player, void *cookie);

where player is the player from whom the file was requested, and cookie is the user-defined pointer passed to the Completable::SetCompletionCallback function. The implementation of this completion callback should first call Player::GetFileTransferResult to determine whether the file was successfully transferred or whether an error occurred. This function returns one of the following file transfer result codes.
kTransferOkay The file transfer succeeded.
kTransferPending A file transfer is already in progress. Each player allows only one file transfer to be pending at a time.
kTransferFileNotFound The file does not exist on the sending machine.
kTransferFileUnreadable The file could not be read on the sending machine.
kTransferFileUnwriteable The file could not be written on the receiving machine.
kTransferConnectionLost The connection was closed or timed out during the file transfer.
See Also





