C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class BlockerObject

Defined in:  C4Blockers.h
The BlockerObject class encapsulates data pertaining to a blocker volume.

class BlockerObject : public Object, public VolumeObject

Member Functions
BlockerObject::GetBlockerType Returns the specific type of a blocker.

BlockerObject(BlockerType type, Volume *volume);

type The type of the blocker volume. See below for a list of possible types.
volume A pointer to the generic volume object representing the blocker.
The BlockerObject class encapsulates data describing a volume used as a rope and cloth blocker in a physics simulation.

A blocker object can be of one of the following types.
kBlockerPlate Plate blocker.
kBlockerBox Box blocker.
kBlockerCylinder Cylinder blocker.
kBlockerSphere Sphere blocker.
kBlockerCapsule Capsule blocker.
Base Classes
Object A BlockerObject is an object that can be shared by multiple blocker nodes.
VolumeObject Used internally by the engine for generic volume objects.
See Also
