C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class Packable

Defined in:  C4Packing.h
The Packable class is the base class for a packable object.

class Packable

Member Functions
Packable::PackType Packs the sequence of type codes.
Packable::Prepack Called before packing to allow object linking.
Packable::Pack Packs an object's data.
Packable::Unpack Unpacks an object's data.
Packable::UnpackChunkList Unpacks a sequence of chunks from an input stream.
Packable::BeginConfigurationUnpack Notifies an object that its settings are about to be unpacked as part of a restoration operation.
Packable::EndConfigurationUnpack Notifies an object that its settings have finished being unpacked as part of a restoration operation.


The Packable class is a base class used by all packable objects. It contains virtual functions that are used for packing and unpacking object data to and from storage (typically disk files).