C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class Light

Defined in:  C4Lights.h
The Light class represents a light node in a world.

class Light : public Node

Member Functions
Light::GetLightType Returns the specific type of a light.
Light::GetBaseLightType Returns the base type of a light.

Light(LightType type, LightType base);

type The type of the light source. See below for a list of possible types.
base The base type of the light source. This should be kLightInfinite or kLightPoint.
The Light class is the base class for all light nodes. The type parameter can be one of the following constants, and it is specified by the subclass's constructor.
kLightInfinite Infinite light with parallel rays and no attenuation.
kLightPoint Point light with omnidirectional rays and distance attenuation.
kLightCube Point light with a projected cube texture.
kLightSpot Spot light with a projected 2D texture.
Base Classes
Node A Light node is a scene graph node.
See Also


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