C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class PyramidVolume

Defined in:  C4Volumes.h
The PyramidVolume class encapsulates data pertaining to a generic pyramid volume.

class PyramidVolume : public Volume

Member Functions
PyramidVolume::GetPyramidSize Returns the pyramid base size.
PyramidVolume::SetPyramidSize Sets the pyramid base size.
PyramidVolume::GetPyramidHeight Returns the pyramid height.
PyramidVolume::SetPyramidHeight Sets the pyramid height.

PyramidVolume(const Vector2D& size, float height);

size The size of the pyramid base.
height The height of the pyramid.
The PyramidVolume class encapsulates the physical dimensions of a generic pyramidal volume and functionality that is used by various subclasses throughout the engine.

One corner of the pyramid coincides with the origin, and the two components of the size parameter correspond to the dimensions of the pyramid's base along the positive x and y axes. The height parameter specifies the height of the pyramid's apex along the positive z axis.
Base Classes
Volume A PyramidVolume is a generic volume.