C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class TruncatedDomeVolume

Defined in:  C4Volumes.h
The TruncatedDomeVolume class encapsulates data pertaining to a generic dome volume.

class TruncatedDomeVolume : public DomeVolume

Member Functions
TruncatedDomeVolume::GetDomeHeight Returns the truncated dome height.
TruncatedDomeVolume::SetDomeHeight Sets the truncated dome height.
TruncatedDomeVolume::GetDomeRatio Returns the truncated dome ratio.
TruncatedDomeVolume::SetDomeRatio Sets the truncated dome ratio.

TruncatedDomeVolume(const Vector2D& size, float height, float ratio);

size The size of the dome base.
height The height of the truncated dome, measuring the distance between the top and bottom faces.
ratio The ratio of the dimensions of the top face to the dimensions of the bottom face.
The TruncatedDomeVolume class encapsulates the physical dimensions of a generic truncated dome volume and functionality that is used by various subclasses throughout the engine.

The center of the base coincides with the origin, and the two components of the size parameter correspond to the radii along the x and y axes. The height parameter specifies the distance from the bottom face (the base) to the top face along the positive z axis. The ratio parameter specifies the ratio of the dimensions of the top face to the dimensions of the bottom face and should be in the range (0,1).
Base Classes
DomeVolume A TruncatedDomeVolume is an extension of a dome volume.