C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class VisibilityRegion

Defined in:  C4Regions.h
The VisibilityRegion class represents a convex region of space used for visibility testing.

class VisibilityRegion

Member Functions
VisibilityRegion::BoxVisible Determines whether a box is visible in a region.
VisibilityRegion::QuadVisible Determines whether quad is visible in a region.
VisibilityRegion::PolygonVisible Determines whether polygon is visible in a region.
VisibilityRegion::SphereVisible Determines whether a sphere is visible in a region.
VisibilityRegion::EllipsoidVisible Determines whether an ellipsoid is visible in a region.
VisibilityRegion::CylinderVisible Determines whether a cylinder is visible in a region.

VisibilityRegion(Convexity *conv);

The VisibilityRegion class represents a convex region of space that is bounded by a set of planes. These regions are often used for camera visibility testing, light source permeation, and shadow casting set determination. The VisibilityRegion class contains methods for testing whether various types of objects may intersect the region, providing basic culling functionality. Note that the visibility tests are not perfect and may return true in cases where the tested object lies completely outside the region but not completely on the negative side of any one plane.
See Also
