Models Page

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Figure 1. The Models Page.

The Models Page is a tool page in the World Editor. It can be found under the Instance tab.

The list shown in the Models Page displays all of the models registered with the engine. When a model in the list is selected, clicking in an editor viewport places a new instance of that model in the world and attaches the default controller to it. (The type of the default controller for a particular model is specified by the model's registration.) Placement adjustments are applied if they're enabled in the Placement Page.

The Generic Model tool in the upper-left corner of the Models Page places a generic model in the world. A model resource can be assigned to a generic model under the Model tab in the Node Info window. An Animation Controller is typically attached to a generic model under the Controller tab in the Node Info window.

Managing Models

The popup menu in the upper-right corner of the page contains the commands used to manage models. Each command is described in the following table.



Select All

Selects all of the models in the world having the selected type.

Select Some...

Randomly selects a portion of the models in the world having the selected type. A dialog box is displayed to let you specify a percentage.

Expand All in Scene Graph

Expands the subnode tree in the scene graph viewport for all models in the world having the selected type.

Collapse All in Scene Graph

Collapses the subnode tree in the scene graph viewport for all models in the world having the selected type.

See Also