C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class TruncatedConeShaftEffectObject

Defined in:  C4Shafts.h
The TruncatedConeShaftEffectObject class encapsulates data pertaining to a truncated cone light shaft effect.

class TruncatedConeShaftEffectObject final : public ShaftEffectObject, public TruncatedConeVolume


TruncatedConeShaftEffectObject(const Vector2D& size, float height, float ratio, const ColorRGBA& color);

size The size of the light shaft's cross section at the base of the cone.
height The height of the light shaft.
ratio The ratio of the upper size to the base size.
color The color of the light shaft.
The TruncatedConeShaftEffectObject class encapsulates data pertaining to a truncated cone light shaft effect. In its local coordinate space, the elliptical cross section of the base of a truncated cone light shaft has its center at the origin, and the components of the size parameter define the semiaxis lengths in the positive x and y directions. The height parameter defines the extent of the light shaft in the z direction, but this is only used for constructing the polygonal geometry of the light shaft. The ratio parameter defines the ratio between the size of the top face and the bottom face (the base) of the truncated cone and should be in the range (0,1). The interior of the light shaft itself is rendered as if it extends to the apex of the untruncated cone in the z direction and as if it had infinite extent in the −z direction.
Base Classes
ShaftEffectObject A TruncatedConeShaftEffectObject is an object that can be shared by multiple truncated cone light shaft effect nodes.
TruncatedConeVolume A TruncatedConeShaftEffectObject is represented by a generic truncated cone volume.
See Also
