C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class Dialog

Defined in:  C4Dialog.h
A Dialog class encapsulates a basic dialog box.

class Dialog : public Window, public Completable<Dialog>

Member Functions
Dialog::GetDialogStatus Returns the status of a dialog box.
Dialog::GetIgnoreKeyCode Returns the key code that triggers the ignore button.
Dialog::SetIgnoreKeyCode Returns the key code that triggers the ignore button.
Dialog::GetOkayButton Returns a pointer to the okay button widget.
Dialog::GetCancelButton Returns a pointer to the cancel button widget.
Dialog::GetIgnoreButton Returns a pointer to the ignore button widget.

Dialog(const Vector2D& size, const char *title, const char *okayText,

const char *cancelText = nullptrconst char *ignoreText = nullptr);

size The size of the dialog window.
title The dialog window's displayed title.
okayText The text to be displayed in the okay button. This should not be nullptr.
cancelText The text to be displayed in the cancel button. This can be nullptr.
ignoreText The text to be displayed in the ignore button. This can be nullptr.
The Dialog class provides a convenient way to display a basic dialog box. Between one and three buttons, having the semantic meanings “okay”, “cancel”, and “ignore”, are displayed at the bottom of the dialog box. Other interface widgets can be added by creating them separately and then calling Tree::AppendSubnode to add them to the window.

The okayText parameter specifies the text that is displayed in the okay button. The okay button is triggered if the user presses the Enter key (or the Return key on the Mac). If there is no cancel button, then the Escape key also triggers the okay button.

If the cancelText parameter is not nullptr, then a cancel button is displayed with the text it specifies. The cancel button is triggered if the user presses the Escape key.

If the ignoreText parameter is not nullptr, then a button is displayed on the left side of the window with the text it specifies. By default, no key triggers the ignore button, but a key can be set by calling the Dialog::SetIgnoreKeyCode function.

Once a dialog box has been created, it can be displayed by calling the InterfaceMgr::AddWidget function. If a dialog box is added to an existing window using the Window::AddSubwindow function, then it becomes a modal dialog for that window.

When the user clicks a button or presses a key that triggers a button, the dialog box is dismissed. Before the Dialog object destroys itself, it records which button was triggered and calls its completion callback. The completion callback can call the Dialog::GetDialogStatus function to determine which button was triggered to dismiss the dialog.
Base Classes
Window The Dialog class is a specific type of window.
Completable<Dialog> The completion callback is called when the dialog is dismissed.