C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class SoundMgr

Defined in:  C4Sound.h
The Sound Manager class.

class SoundMgr : public Manager<SoundMgr>

Member Functions
SoundMgr::GetMasterVolume Returns the master volume that is applied to all sounds.
SoundMgr::SetMasterVolume Sets the master volume that is applied to all sounds.
SoundMgr::GetGlobalSoundSpeed Returns the global speed of sound.
SoundMgr::SetGlobalSoundSpeed Sets the global speed of sound.
SoundMgr::GetListenerTransformable Returns the listener's 3D transform.
SoundMgr::SetListenerTransformable Sets the listener's 3D transform.
SoundMgr::GetListenerVelocity Returns the listener's 3D velocity.
SoundMgr::SetListenerVelocity Sets the listener's 3D velocity.
SoundMgr::StopAllSounds Stops all sounds which are currently playing.
SoundMgr::PauseAllSounds Pauses all sounds which are currently playing.
SoundMgr::ResumeAllSounds Resumes all sounds which are currently paused.
SoundMgr::RegisterSoundGroup Registers a sound group with the Sound Manager.
SoundMgr::GetFirstSoundGroup Returns the first registered sound group.
SoundMgr::FindSoundGroup Finds a registered sound group.
SoundMgr::GetDefaultSoundGroup Returns the default sound group.
SoundMgr::SetDefaultSoundGroup Returns the default sound group.
SoundMgr::StartRecording Starts recording audio output to a wave file.
SoundMgr::StopRecording Stops recording audio output.
The SoundMgr class encapsulates the sound and music functionality of the engine. The single instance of the Sound Manager is constructed during an application's initialization and destroyed at termination.

The Sound Manager's member functions are accessed through the global pointer TheSoundMgr.
See Also
