C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation


Defined in:  C4Animation.h
Called to allow the animator to calculate its output.

virtual void MoveAnimator(void);

The MoveAnimator function is called for each animator in an animator tree when the Model::AnimateModel function is called for the model to which the animator tree is assigned. The MoveAnimator function can be overridden by any custom animator subclass, and the first action taken by the overriding implementation must be to call the base class's MoveAnimator function. The MoveAnimator function does not need to be overridden if all of the pointers in an animator's transform output table refer to transforms belonging to subanimators (and thus the animator calculates no transforms of its own).

An overriding implementation must fill its animator transform table with any new transforms that it calculates. Pointers to these transforms are generally stored in the output transform table inside the overriding implementation of the Animator::ConfigureAnimator function so that they don't need to be stored each time the MoveAnimator function is called.
See Also



