C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

struct Particle

Defined in:  C4Particles.h
The Particle structure contains state information about a particle.

struct Particle

Member Functions
Particle::GetPreviousParticle Returns the previous particle in a particle system.
Particle::GetNextParticle Returns the next particle in a particle system.
Data Members
Particle            *prevParticle; A pointer to the previous particle in the system. This is nullptr for the first particle.
Particle            *nextParticle; A pointer to the next particle in the system. This is nullptr for the last particle.
uint32              particleIndex; The unique index of the particle in the particle pool. This is in the range [0, n − 1], where n is the total number of particles in the pool.
int32               emitTime; The time remaining before the particle is emitted, in milliseconds.
int32               lifeTime; The time remaining (once the particle is emitted) before the particle dies, in milliseconds.
float               radius; The radius of the particle.
ColorRGBA           color; The color and transparency of the particle.
ufix32          orientation; The orientation of the particle as an unsigned 8.24-bit fix32-point angle. The top 8 bits divide the circle into 256 angles of 360/256 degrees. This field is only used for point particles and should not be set for other types of particle systems.
float           height; The vertical height of a fire particle. This field is only used for fire particles and should not be set for other types of particle systems.
Point3D             position; The position of the particle. This is normally in world-space coordinates, but can be in object-space coordinates if the kParticleSystemObjectSpace flag is set for the particle system.
Vector3D            velocity; The velocity of the particle. Like the position, this is in world-space coordinates unless the kParticleSystemObjectSpace flag is set.
See Also




