C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class CameraObject

Defined in:  C4CameraObjects.h
The CameraObject class encapsulates data pertaining to a camera.

class CameraObject : public Object

Member Functions
CameraObject::GetCameraType Returns the type of a camera.
CameraObject::GetViewRect Returns the view rectangle.
CameraObject::SetViewRect Sets the view rectangle.
CameraObject::GetDepthRange Returns the near plane depth.
CameraObject::SetDepthRange Sets the near plane depth.

CameraObject(CameraType type);

type The type of the camera. See below for a list of possible types.
The CameraObject class is the base class for all types of camera objects, and it stores data that is common to all of them. Each specific type of camera has an associated object that is a subclass of the CameraObject class.

A camera object can have one of the following types or a custom type defined by a derived class.
kCameraOrtho Orthographic camera.
kCameraFrustum Frustum (perspective) camera.
kCameraIndirect Indirect camera.
Base Classes
Object A CameraObject is an object that can be shared by multiple camera nodes.
See Also


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