C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

Graphics Manager

Attribute The base class for all material attributes.
CameraObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a camera.
CubeLightObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a point light source having a projected cube texture map.
DiffuseAttribute Material attribute for a diffuse color.
DiffuseTextureAttribute Material attribute for a diffuse texture map.
Drawable Stores rendering information for one drawable component of a renderable object.
EmissionAttribute Material attribute for an emission color.
EmissionTextureAttribute Material attribute for an emission texture map.
EnvironmentAttribute Material attribute for an environment color.
EnvironmentTextureAttribute Material attribute for an environment texture map.
FrustumCameraObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a camera using a perspective projection.
GraphicsMgr The Graphics Manager class.
HorizonTextureAttribute Material attribute for a horizon map.
IndirectCameraObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a camera having an indirect transform.
InfiniteLightObject Encapsulates data pertaining to an infinite light source.
LightObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a light source.
MaterialObject Encapsulates a set of material properties.
NormalTextureAttribute Material attribute for a normal texture map.
OcclusionQuery Represents an occlusion query operation.
OpacityTextureAttribute Material attribute for an opacity texture map.
OrthoCameraObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a camera using an orthographic projection.
ParallaxTextureAttribute Material attribute for a parallax map.
PointLightObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a point light source.
Process Represents an operation performed on data in a shader graph.
ProjectionLightObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a point light source having a projected texture map.
ReflectionAttribute Material attribute for a reflection color.
RefractionAttribute Material attribute for a refraction color.
Renderable Stores general rendering information for a renderable object.
Route Represents the data flow from one process to another in a shader graph.
ShaderAttribute Shader graph container.
SharedVertexBuffer Encapsulates a reference-counted vertex buffer.
SpecularAttribute Material attribute for a specular color.
SpecularTextureAttribute Material attribute for a specular texture map.
SpotLightObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a spot light source having a projected 2D texture map.
Substance Encapsulates a substance type.
Texture Encapsulates a texture map.
TextureAttribute Material attribute base class for texture maps.
VertexBuffer Encapsulates a buffer that stores GPU-accessible vertex data.
Data Structures
TextureHeader Contains information about a texture map.
Class Hierarchies
Attribute Hierarchy